Plans and pricing
Choose the best plan for your needs
Yearly (28% OFF)
Unlimited live sessions
Talk time & attentiveness metrics
Polls & collaborative browser
Single host only
Up to 30 monthly tracked users
when purchased yearly
All features of Individual Plan
Advanced analytics and reporting
Track instructor performance
Upto 3 hosts & admins
Up to 150 monthly tracked users
when purchased yearly
All features of Business Plan
Unlimited hosts & tracked users
Single Sign On (SSO)
Zapier & Custom integrations
Branded Desktop & Android apps
Dedicated technical support
Frequently asked
What is Lens and how does it work?
How do I download the Lens client?
Do I need to have Zoom app as well in order to run Lens?
Do participants need to download the Lens App to join meetings?
Can I use my existing Zoom account with Lens?
What kind of metrics and tools does Lens provide?
Is there a cost to use Lens?
Can I use Lens on my mobile device?
How do I connect my Zoom account with Lens?
Is there a limit to the number of participants in a Lens meeting?
Is there technical support available for Lens?